2019 Augmented Play, Art, and Space.

Jahrmann M (2019). Augmented Play, Art, and Space. The Cognitive Coupling of Avant-Garde Games with Unexpected Mental Spaces. In: Architecture | Volume 50. The architectonics of game spaces. Eds. Andri Gerber/ Ulrich Götz, Transcript, Berlin, pp 249-265. 


…Margarete Jahrmann is a “practical theorist” active in game design and as such she brings in a diœerent perspective on the matter discussed in this book. She playfully investigates the relationship between spatial per-ception and computer games through games and installations, making reference to a whole set of similar artistic projects that bring together dif-ferent spatial dimensions, be it on stage, in games or in “reality”. Together with Max Moswitzer, she publishes the Ludic Society Magazine, a ludic arts research journal on playful methods in artistic research. The center of her article discusses the concept of “flow” as the key to understand the relationship of reality, virtual reality and game space. … (from the introduction)

artikel as pdf

Alien Life: between brains, bacteria and matter. (postponed)

Postponed: Alien Life: between brains, bacteria and matter.
March 27th 2020, 7pm-9pm

Co-Corporeality presenters: Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme
Ray LC (Artist, designer, neuroscientist) (https://www.raylc.org)
Margarete Jahrmann ( Media artist ) (http://www.margaretejahrmann.net)
Moderation: Barbara Imhof
Alien life: between brains, bacteria and matter
is about exploring new practices and an as yet unknown sensitivity towards building bonds between people, machines and living matter. We would like to encourage the view that all matter is part of one world and is not separate from one another. Further, we would like to foster communication across different scales and beyond living material, making kin in other worlds not tangible and visible to humans at first sight. We imagine the rise of new types of vocabularies to speak a language whose semantics challenge the traditional distinction between inanimate technology and living nature. We are interested in designing spatial arrangements within our terrestrial environment and creating theoretical components through conversations that go beyond the Anthropocene.
– Co-Corporeality team University of Applied Arts: Barbara Imhof, Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme, Waltraut Hoheneder, Damjan Minovski, Kyle Koops, Patricia Tibu
Project partners:
– Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI): Martin Gasser
– Polymer and Composites Engineering (PaCE) Group, University of Vienna: Alexander Bismarck, Andreas Mautner, Neptun Yousefi, Kathrin Weiland.

(2017-2019) PRE_COGNITION: Game-Experiment in SPACE HABITAT


Predicting the Future is an essential Function of the nervous system. this statement is the starting point of a time space narration and a self experiment with a research game design by Margarete Jahrmann and the neuroscientist Stefan Glasauer. The Game Experiment was performed over a period of time simulating repetitive day and night circles on cognitive processes of decision making . Shot on location of the SHEE Habitat International Space University Strassbourg.(Jahrmann/ Dématraz 2017)



Public Screening at Ludic Ouvroir, Prater-atelier Rustenschacherallee 2-4, at the occasion of the #Ludic Method Series, part2, <Autumn 2019.

Installation Future of DemonstrationReflexive discussion in the form of a space-time expanded interactive film. The text of the film was developed in a rizomatic writing game in exchange with the dramaturg and writer Marian Kaiser. https://player.vimeo.com/video/241363321

Discussion of the Concept with Space Architect Barbara Imhof: PUBLIC EVENT in the context of AP Angewandte arts science research Practice. November 29, 2017, 6 pm, Heligkreuzerhof, 1010 Vienna.


#Ludic Method Soirée Issue 01#Ludic Method Soirée Issue 01

LUDIC METHOD Example #001: The Space architect Barabra Imhof created the space simulation habitat SHEE, Self-deployable habitat for extreme environments. It was used by Margarete Jahrmann and the Francophone filmmaker Samuel Dématraz to create a duration performance with pre-cognition elements and a pre-formed game experiment at the International Space University Strassbourg.

Barbara Imhof responds to the invitation for the first #Ludic method soirée in Vienna: “Seen from a top view, all my work is a game of many rules applied to topics of terrestrial and outer space design research and development. Designing from the unfamiliar might be a good short description…”



Exhibition AIL, Angewandte Innovation Lab Vienna, 16th Jan 2020

First exhibition 2020: Navigieren im Postdigitialen at AIL, Angewandte Innovation Lab Vienna, with a NEW AI_ RESISTANCE INSTALLATION opening 16th Jan 2020 mehr infos hier: http://www.margaretejahrmann.net/2020-neural-net-play/

AIL live performance
Live performance with Thomas Wagensommerer, Margarete Jahrmann. Installation with Stefan Glasauer, Live AI encoding and face recognition/ Deep Dream Network.

RESILIENCE Salon at Technopolitics/ transmediale BERLIN

reading myBrainscan_on Teufelsberg

“Interception does not mean, they catch your inner thoughts and feelings. It means, there is no inside.”

We’ve all seen it in films. There is an interception risk. And a control issue. But when exactly did people come up with the idea that electromagnetic waves can record and control minds? Starting out from a technology that will probably have been invented and introduced by 2019 – brain wave recording and analysis over distance – we would like to follow its history. We will introduce 10 scenes, some film clips, a bit of theory and a lot of fiction at the intersections of inside and outside, brain and electricity, reason and society, culture and madness.


On the 28 of January 2017 Margarete Jahrmann and the writer and media theorist Marian Kaiser introduced 10 events into the Technopolitics TIMELINE for their transmediale show “New Paradigms” at the NGBK (full program below) Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Berlin. In a performative lecture —reading a timeline from two opposing ends — from 1898 vs 2019 — was part of this live performed dialogue between the writer and the artist.

The result of the joint writing process was a text to a film fragment on the technohistory and speculations on brainreading, Neurospin and satellite waves. 12 filmsnippets were made by Margarete Jahrmann and the Swiss French filmmaker Samuel Dématraz in January 2017. The material was shot in locations throughout Europe, Swiss French satellite field Leuk/ Sion and at Teufelsberg Berlin in 2016/ 2017.

The event aimed to employ the TIMELINE as performative and fictional theory machine, rather than a representation of a definite media history.
“brainreading thought control” (work in progress) https://vimeo.com/202574242






Opening: 26 January 2017, 7 pm
neue Gesellschaft für bildende KunstOranienstraße 25 | 10999 Berlin


In collaboration with the TECHNOPOLITICS working group, transmediale presents the exhibition Tracing Information Society – a Timeline, shown at neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) from Jan 27  to Feb 5, 2017.

For Tracing Information Society – a Timeline, TECHNOPOLITICS turns the exhibition venue into a curated knowledge space. A twelve-meter-long timeline depicts the development of the information society from 1900 until today. While moving along the timeline, visitors experience the emergence, transformation, and impact of the information society and the diverse influences on cultural, academic, or political events. This multidimensional framework sets the discusive pattern for the project’s orientation to critique and break down the neoliberal (dis)order of information.

TECHNOPOLITICS additionally provides an extensive collection of corresponding material in the time-table format, encouraging a deeper examination of the subject matter. The exhibition is accompanied by a series of workshops, lectures, and salons.

Among the participants are Wolfgang Ernst, Anselm Franke, Margarete Jahrmann, Cornelia Sollfrank, Geoff Cox, Jacob Lund, Verina Gfader, Anne Kølbæk Iverson, Winnie Soon, Anke Hennig, Clemens Apprich.

neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst
Oranienstraße 25 | 10999 Berlin

Duration: Jan 27 to Feb 5, 2017 (daily 12–7pm, Wed–Fri until 8pm)

SA Jan 28 Media archeologies of the present: afternoon workshop and thematically connected evening salon; artists and media theorists propose modifications of the Timeline.
3:00–5:30 pm WORKSHOP: Writing the Timeline 1
With: Margarete Jahrmann & Marian Kaiser;
Jan Claas van Treeck
Talk: Wolfgang Ernst / Response: Clemens Apprich
TU Jan 31 Artistic Mediations: afternoon workshop and thematically connected evening salon; artists, curators and scholars propose modifications of the Timeline.
3:00–5:30 pm WORKSHOP: Writing the Timeline 2
With: Cornelia Sollfrank; The Contemporary Condition research project at Aarhus University
Talk: Anselm Franke / Response: Axel Stockburger
THU Feb 2 3:00–5:30 pm Pivots in Technoculture
Lecture: Reading the Timeline
Felix Stalder & Axel Stockburger
SA Feb 4 3:00–3:45 pm Technopolitics special guided “Il/legal Tour”
Guided Tour: Gerald Straub
3:45–4:45 pm Reshuffling the Timeline – Alternatives to the Chronology
Talk: Doron Goldfarb
FR Feb 3 1:00–3:00 pm New Paradigms*
With: Jutta Weber, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Felix Stalder, Gerald Nestler
HKW, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
*within the scope of ever elusive – thirty years of transmediale
TECHNOPOLITICS  is a research platform composed of artists, theorists, curators, computer scientists, and journalists, who jointly develop innovative formats at the intersection of art, research, science, and education.

WORKING GROUP: John Barker, writer | Sylvia Eckermann, artist | Doron Goldfarb, computer scientist/author of the presented network visualisations | Armin Medosch, artist/curator/scholar | Gerald Nestler, artist/researcher | Felix Stalder, sociologist/cultural theorist | Axel Stockburger, artist/researcher | Gerald Straub, applied cultural theorist/curator/artist | Matthias Tarasiewicz, digital artist/RIAT research director | Thomas Thaler, science journalist | Sophie-Carolin Wagner, researcher/RIAT board member | Ina Zwerger, science journalist, Ö1 | Timeline design: Fatih Aydogdu, artist/designer

Supported by Bundeskanzleramt Kunst und Kultur Österreich, Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin
Project partner  Oe1 ORF Radio, Abteilung für Medienwissenschaft Humboldt Universität Berlin
Cooporation partner transmediale, nGbK

Laser Talk Zürich – 6.Dez 2016/ 19:00 Salotto

Decision Demon Experiment

Decision Demon – Neurogame Experiment, Opera of Entropy, Vienna 2016


 Title: Science as Game — Arts as Play.

Ideas about the experimental system as hermeneutical surface in contemporary performing arts and game design and life sciences.

Leonardo/Laser Talk Zurich, curated by Prof. Dr. Jill Scott

This LASERZurich will feature two renowned researchers that will cross pollinate their research by presenting their own collaborations.

Professor Dr Margarete Jahrmann (Experimental Game Designer/epistemologist) and Professor Dr. Stefan Glasauer (Neuroscientist/ sensorimotor researcher). The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Jill Scott.



Margarete Jahrmann

Will introduce ideas about the experimental system as hermeneutical surface in contemporary performing arts and game design. She will critically question gamification as motivation design in scientific experiments in relation to the recent increase of functional brain scans, both in research as well as in life style medicine. The attributed speculative social meaning of such scans of the very personal “data” influences what appers as potential inscription about the human condition in the oxygene concentration of blood, flesh and neuronal fibres, based on the somewhat paradoxical blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) effect as the basis for functional fMRI imaging of brain activity (according to the UC San Diego Health Sciences Sites).

A better understanding of the potential political dimensions of functional brain scan analysis can be informed by a media theoretical view on the meaning of data in networks and the more or less negotiable effects of data interpretation for profiling issues applied to the scanned individual. Under this angle on the neurophysiological experiment using fMRI, EEG or Nearinfraredspectroskopy, the topic of surveillance must be addressed. Margarete will present fragments of her ongoing game art performances on the collapsing NSA communication scanning towers in Berlin Teufelsberg and on the very active Onyx Satellite field in the Swiss French Alpes. This field study will be presented in a preview of visual notes of these “memnosyne brainwave wave patho/s play performances”.



Stefan Glasauer

Will talk about experimental paradigms and situations used in human neuroscience and experimental psychology and will discuss what can or cannot be concluded from data acquired in such situations about human brain function and behavior. Experimental situations in science depend strongly on repeatability and happen in a reduced laboratory setting. They are thus distinct from many of the important real life situations, which only happen once, but in a rich environmental context. Important aspects of that context are missing in experiments, and many experimental paradigms are more comparable to games than to life. The desired repeatability has even led to several experimental results that have been discussed for more than a century but may only be side effects of the experimental situation. Stefan will give several examples from scientific practice and discuss their relation to games and art practice.


Stefan is a neuroscientist teaching and working at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. He is interested in general principles underlying perception, action, and sensorimotor control. After studying Electrical Engineering with a focus in cybernetics, he did his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology on perception of gravity. Following a postdoctoral stay at the CNRS and College de France in Paris, he returned to Munich to coordinate the Center for Sensorimotor Research. He is founding member of the Munich Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, member of the scientific boards of the Graduate School for Systemic Neurosciences and of the Munich Center for the Neurosciences, and member of the Center of Competence for Neural Engineering of the Technical University Munich. Recently, he lectured at the VOID book soirees by Jahrmann & Moswitzer, and collaborated with Jahrmann for their appearance at the Opera of Entropy in Vienna.


Margarete is an internationally renowned artist and researcher with a focus on critical media and game art. She holds a professorship for Game Design and was co-director of the New Media and Arts department at the University of the Arts Zurich and is senior lecturer Digital Arts at University of Applied Arts Vienna. She was awarded a distinction in interactive arts, Prix Ars Electronica 2003 and the software arts award transmediale Berlin 2004. 2006 she founded the Ludic Society and co-edited the Ludic Society magazine with Max Moswitzer. 2010 she was arts research fellow at the MIT Gambit Lab. 2013 she developed the Alternate Reality Exhibition “Play & Prosume” at Kunsthalle Vienna as outcome of a EU funded research project on the participative imperative and subliminal messages. 2016 she and Moswitzer presented the conceptual “VOID Book” in a series of play performance soirées at Cabaret Voltaire Zürich, ISEA Hongkong and co-developed with the neuroscientist S. Glasauer a 2nd order game installation at the Opera of Entropy in Vienna. Actually she is research fellow on Warburgs Memnosyne and Pathos Formulas at the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZfL).


Art Science Talks Zurich

Science as Game – Art as Play

This LASERZurich featured two renowned researchers that cross pollinate their research by presenting their own collaborations.

Professor Dr. Margarete Jahrmann (Experimental Game Designer/ epistemologist) and Professor Dr. Stefan Glasauer (Neuroscientist/ sensorimotor researcher). The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Jill Scott.

Stefan Glasauer
talked about experimental paradigms and situations used in human neuroscience and experimental psychology and will discuss what can or cannot be concluded about human brain function and behaviour from data acquired in such situations. Experimental situations in science depend strongly on repeatability and happen in a reduced laboratory setting. They are thus distinct from many of the important real life situations, which only happen once, but in a rich environmental context. Important aspects of that context are missing in experiments, and many experimental paradigms are more comparable to games than to life. The scientifically desired repeatability has even led to several experimental results that have been discussed for more than a century but may only be side effects of the particular experimental system. He gave several examples from scientific practice and discuss their relation to games and art practice.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Glasauer is a neuroscientist teaching and working at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. He is interested in general principles underlying perception, action, and sensorimotor control and co-authored more than 200 articles and book chapters. After studying Electrical Engineering with a focus in Cybernetics, he completed his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioural Physiology on perception of gravity. Following a postdoctoral stay at the CNRS and College de France in Paris, he returned to Munich to coordinate the Center for Sensorimotor Research. He is founding member of the Munich Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, member of the scientific boards of the Graduate School for Systemic Neurosciences and of the Munich Center for the Neurosciences, and member of the Center of Competence for Neural Engineering of the Technical University Munich. Recently, he lectured in Vienna and Zurich at the VOID book soirees by Jahrmann & Moswitzer, and collaborated with Jahrmann for their co-appearance at the Opera of Entropy performed in Vienna. In his scientific practice, he uses various methods from behavioural experiments and psychophysics, neurophysiological methods such as eye movement recordings, motion tracking, or posturography, brain imaging by functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRT), to mathematical methods from computational and theoretical neuroscience.

Margarete Jahrmann
introduced ideas about the experimental system as hermeneutical surface in contemporary performing arts and game design. She will critically question gamification methods for “motivation design” in scientific experiments in relation to the recent increase of functional brain scans in design and life style. How does the speculative social meaning of these scans of our personal “data” influence the potential inscription about our human condition? How can the monitoring of oxygen levels in the blood and construction of flesh and neuronal fibres be read as valid text, considering the “paradoxical” blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) effects as basic parameters for functional imaging of brain activity? Margarete suggested that a better understanding of the potential and political dimensions of functional brain scan analysis can be informed by media theoretical views on the meaning of data in networks. Media can highlight the surveillance issues of neurophysiological experiments using fMRI, EEG or functional Near-infrared-spectroscopy. Under this angle, Margarete presented fragments of the 2016 Decision Demon experiment she co-developed with Stefan for the occasion of the Opera of Entropy Vienna, including the brain-scan data of herself watching approximate void in white noise and connected it to her ongoing game art performances on the collapsing of the NSA communication scanning towers in Berlin Teufelsberg and on the very active Onyx Satellite field in the Swiss French Alps.

Prof. Dr. Margarete Jahrmann is an internationally renowned artist and researcher with a focus on critical media and game art. She holds a professorship for Game Design and was co-director of the New Media and Arts department at the University of the Arts Zurich and is senior lecturer Digital Arts at University of Applied Arts Vienna. She was awarded a distinction in interactive arts, Prix Ars Electronica 2003 and the software arts award transmediale Berlin 2004. In 2006 she founded the Ludic Society and co-edited the Ludic Society magazine with Max Moswitzer. In 2010 she was arts research fellow at the MIT Gambit Lab and in 2013 she developed the Alternate Reality Exhibition “Play & Prosume” at Kunsthalle Vienna as outcome of an EU funded research project on the participative imperative and the power of subliminal messages. In 2016 she and Moswitzer presented a conceptual work entitled, “VOID Book” in a series of play performance soirees at Cabaret Voltaire Zürich and in ISEA Hongkong. Subsequently, she co-developed together with the neuroscientist S. Glasauer a 2nd order neuro game installation at the Opera of Entropy in Vienna. Currently, she is research fellow on Warburg’s Memnosyne and Pathos Formulas at the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZfL).
LASERZurich is part of the world wide series LASER Talks sponsored by Leonardo the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST). Founded in 2008, LASERs are now happening in over a dozen locales internationally: Zurich – Life Science and the University of the Arts, University of San Francisco, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, New York City, London, Tacoma, Toronto, Montreal and Kansas State University.
For more information go to: http://www.leonardo.info/isast/laser.html

About Leonardo/ISAST
Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST) is a nonprofit organization that serves the global network of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, researchers and thinkers through our programs focused on interdisciplinary work, creative output and innovation. From its beginnings, Leonardo/ISAST has served as the virtual community for purposes of networking, resource-sharing, best practices, research and events in Art/Science/Technology. The organization is well known for the publication of Leonardo Magazine, MIT Press.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jill Scott / Dr. Boris Magrini
Contact Email: jscott@solnet.ch / mail@borismagrini.com
Contact Phone: +41 79 524 92 11 / +41 76 571 24 27
Website: laserzurich.com