Postponed: Alien Life: between brains, bacteria and matter.
March 27th 2020, 7pm-9pm
Co-Corporeality presenters: Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme
Ray LC (Artist, designer, neuroscientist) (
Margarete Jahrmann ( Media artist ) (
Moderation: Barbara Imhof
Alien life: between brains, bacteria and matter
is about exploring new practices and an as yet unknown sensitivity towards building bonds between people, machines and living matter. We would like to encourage the view that all matter is part of one world and is not separate from one another. Further, we would like to foster communication across different scales and beyond living material, making kin in other worlds not tangible and visible to humans at first sight. We imagine the rise of new types of vocabularies to speak a language whose semantics challenge the traditional distinction between inanimate technology and living nature. We are interested in designing spatial arrangements within our terrestrial environment and creating theoretical components through conversations that go beyond the Anthropocene.
– Co-Corporeality team University of Applied Arts: Barbara Imhof, Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme, Waltraut Hoheneder, Damjan Minovski, Kyle Koops, Patricia Tibu
Project partners:
– Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI): Martin Gasser
– Polymer and Composites Engineering (PaCE) Group, University of Vienna: Alexander Bismarck, Andreas Mautner, Neptun Yousefi, Kathrin Weiland.