This papers is published in the ZHdK Book: DDE Publikation – Franke Björn (ed.) 2020: Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design, Zurich. (English und Deutsch in einem pdf).
The Art of Play and Societal Impact is introduced in this manifesto as a tool for commenting on and intervening in social and political questions and the challenges of climate change. The design of play objects has an impact on everyday life in society, simply through the presence and daily use of play in relation to our social life and behaviour, has an impact on our daily lives. The impact factor of ludic objects is not measured, but present in discursive reflections in the field of artistic research.
The ludic as a method for rule-driven design elucidates states of play, combines free play, games and rules of play. Conceptual ludic art explores rules of play, systems of investigation and knowledge acquisition through game mechanics, as well as the fundamentals of perception, experience and cognition. The theory and practice of artistic research are concerned with ludic methods of approaching art and science, and epistemic things as insights achieved through arts objects as research vehicles.
Ludic objects are artefacts that trigger discourse and the application of certain rules of research. They constitute an interplay of art and knowledge. Finally, ludic, experimental research games are tied to a certain playful approach toward serious, rule-driven research. Following a ludic method introduces a new trope to artistic research.
Speculative games provide an element of role play, and use performance elements in order to understand the role of the artist, the researcher and the designer. The ludic objective is the idea of playful movement in thinking. It is informed by technologies and cultural techniques of insight, as well as theories, experiments and philosophical conceptions that are connected to the perceived, conceived and lived world.
(English und Deutsch in einem pdf)