The following papers give a selection of recent artistic research/ ludic research papers, published in peer reviewed magazines, conference proceedings and book chapters.
(2020) Jahrmann M (2020) Neurointerfaces as means of Artistic Research or Expanded Game Art. (in print) – expanded game art, biometric data, neuro-games, life style interfaces, produsage, citizen science games.
All-time VALID: LUDIC MANIFESTO, In: ELUDAMUS, Journal for computer game cultures
(2018) Constant beyond Gamification. Deep Play in Political Activism. To be quoted as: Jahrmann M (2018) Constant beyond Gamification. deep Play in Political Activism. In: Daniel Cermak Sassenrath (ed.) Playful Disruption of Digital media, Springer Nature.
(2018) Kriegsspiele und kognitives Mapping. To be quoted as: Jahrmann M (2018) Kriegsspiele und kognitives Mapping. Sensomotorische Erfahrung und ihre spielerische Schärfung. In: Novak L (ed.) Medien-Krieg-Raum. Fink Verlag, Paderborn, pp 451-470, Online Book
(2018). Ludic method soirées, Heiligenkreuzerhof Wien, artistic research practice.
(2017). TAGGING. The big urban game. In: Performing the Digital. Jahrmann, M (2017). TAGGING. The big urban game, re-play and full city tags: Art game conceptions in activism and performance. In: Performing the Digital. Performativity, performance studies and digital cultures. Leeker M, Schipper I, Beyes T (eds.), transcript Bielefeld, pp 171-191, Online Book
(2017) Appdate, Augmented Reality Research Poster University of Konstanz.
(2016). Laser talk Zurich on experimental Ludic systems.
(2016) LUDIC Soirées as research format. Presented at ISEA Hongkong.
(2015) Deep Play – Journal for Research Cultures
(2014) # selfiegame – Identity, Role Play and no Fun!
(2012). Ludic Chindogus. In: Coded Cultures. Jahrmann M (2012). Ludic Chindogus as Erotic Toys—Pleasure, Play, and Politics Beyond Materialism, In: Coded Cultures. New Creative Practices out of Diversity. Russegger G, Tarasiewicz M, Wlodkowski M (ed.), Springer Wien, pp pp 280-303. Book chapter
(2009). Futility is Resistance! In: New Realities: Being Syncretic, Ascott/ Bast. Jahrmann M (2009). Futility is Resistance! Toy-object, Schwarzgerät and Dingpolitik as Ludic Research Objectives, In: New Realities: Being Syncretic, New Realities: Being Syncretic. Ascott R, Bast G, Fiel w, Jahrmann m, Schnell R, Springer Wien/ New York, pp 156-160 Book chapter
(2009). Ambient DVD. A Dispositive Beyond Documentation. Jahrmann M, Schnell R, (2009). Ambient DVD. A Dispositive Beyond Documentation. In: New Realities: Being Syncretic. Ascott R, Bast G, Fiel W, Jahrmann M, Schnell R (edds.). Springer Wien/ New York, pp 342-343 DVD concept and text
(2008). The Portable Prison. Nutzlose Spielzeuge als kontingente Spiel-Fetische. In: Gestalten der Kontingenz. Jahrmann M (2008). The Portable Prison. Nutzlose Spielzeuge als kontingente Spiel-Fetische. In: Gestalten der Kontingenz. Ein Bilderbuch. Huber J, Stoellger P, (eds.). Springer Wien/ New York, pp 87-99, chapter online.
(2007) Ludic Manifesto/ Eludamos. published in Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, Vol 1, No 1 (2007),